Start Booking MORE Qualified Buyer & Seller Appointments Every Week!

Take our Appointment Accelerator live training. Learn the Core 4 Skills required to convert today's leads into qualified appointments. Start booking more appointments TODAY!

Let's Get Started

Who is taking the Appointment Accelerator Training?

Training for your team.

We can give you the standard booking link for 5 or less Agents/ISAs, If you have more than 5 that you want to attend the training, we will need to coordinate a longer time slot with you.

Training for the rest of your team?

When we conduct your Appointment Accelerator Training, the trainer will make suggestions to help you grow your business.

They will give you advice on new lead sources, technology and software to help you set more qualified buyer and seller appointments and training that will drive more closed transactions for you.

The intention is to immediately put more money in your pocket every month!

The advice they give you will be customized for you based on several factors, such as your experience level, available lead sources and your ability to invest money and time in your business.

For the following questions, please choose the answer that best fits you.

Your Sales Experience

**If you are an ISA, just base your answer on the number of home sales you were involved with.

Your Real Estate Income

Your available lead sources

Please choose the scenario that best describes you.

Your ability to invest time and money in your business.

Your ability to invest time and money in your business.

The TWO Biggest issues you believe are preventing you from booking more qualified buyer and seller appointments per week.

**Write in your first issue here, you will enter the second one on the next page.

The TWO Biggest issues you believe are preventing you from booking more qualified buyer and seller appointments per week. Contd.

The TWO biggest issues you believe are preventing your agents from booking more weekly buyer and seller appointments.

**Write in your first issue here, you will enter the second one on the next page.

The TWO biggest issues you believe are preventing your agents from booking more weekly buyer and seller appointments. CONTD.

**Write in your first issue here, you will enter the second one on the next page.

Thank you for your answers!

Click the submit button below to choose the day and time for your live, interactive, Appointment Accelerator Training.

NOTE: This first training is free. If you no-show or reschedule with less than 24 hours notice, you will have to pay to book again.